Old Secretary

Thoughts and jottings of an old legal secretary, now retired with lots of time to think and scribble. Look for political comments, life stories and tales of people I know and have known . . .

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Old Secretary: Never Make a Secretary Mad at You

I once worked for a young associate who was such a pleasure that I suggested he consider teaching a course entitled, “How to Treat Your Secretary.” Ken was always pleasant and easy-going, probably a quirk of his personality, but appreciated nonetheless. After reading the first letter I edited for him, he said, “Did I write this? It sounds great!” From then on, we were a team in the truest sense of the word. Even though he asked me to do things that went far beyond duties normally considered “secretarial,” I would have done anything for him because I never felt that he was taking advantage of me. Requests were made on an “if you have time” basis and I had the freedom to say “I just can’t do that today.” Completed jobs were consistently rewarded with gratitude. When I asked how someone so young had learned such an important lesson, he said, with a smile, “At my old firm, I saw what can happen if you make a secretary mad at you and I determined then and there that I would never do anything to put myself in that position.” Treat a secretary well and you’ll be richly rewarded. On the contrary, consistently treat your secretary like a jerk and I can guarantee you that she knows 101 different ways to jerk you around, and still be a competent secretary. Eventually you’ll end up with a secretary, nothing more and nothing less, and that one time you really need her to shine will be the time she declines to go beyond her bare bones responsibility.


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